Worship and Commissioned Music

On Tuesday morning 20 June, at 9:00 am

the convention travels to Aiken, South Carolina where the day begins with the carillon in the tower of St. Thaddeus Episcopal Church followed by a service of Morning Prayer in the nave. The organist will be William Douglas, Associate Organist and Choirmaster at Trinity Cathedral in Columbia, South Carolina. At Trinity, William accompanies and assists in conducting the Cathedral choirs in rehearsals and services. He also assists in the education of the choristers and the planning of liturgies at the Cathedral. William is a graduate of the University of South Carolina where he earned a B.Mus. and M.M. in Organ Performance as a pupil of Dr. Jared Johnson. He also studied continuo and harpsichord with Dr. Jerry Curry. William was a recipient of the Summerall Award from USC. Most recently, William served as the Lloyd Cast Organ Fellow at Cathedral of All Saints - Albany, NY. There he fulfilled the role of sub-organist of the Cathedral and assisted in the weekly education and running of the historic Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys.

Following worship at St. Thaddeus

the convention will enjoy recitals by Monica Berney Czausz at St. John's United Methodist Church, an organ and trumpet program given by the Seipp/Sheets Duo at the First Baptist Church, lunch in historic downtown Aiken, and an afternoon concert at St. Paul's Lutheran Church performed by Charles Tompkins and his son, Kevin, who is an accomplished violinist. The program will include the premier of a work for organ based on New Britain, composed by William H. Bates.