"According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue."
II Peter 1:3
To glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying believers through providing biblically sound counsel to the members of Waynesboro Deliverance Evangelistic Church and others in the surrounding community who are facing problems of living (spiritual, psychological, marital, parental, social, and financial). We are committed to helping people experience change in their daily living through obedience to the Scriptures.
To provide premarital counseling to couples desiring to unite in marriage.
Appointments with Pastor, Director of Counseling, can be made through the church office. Pastor is also available upon request.
Our Commitment to You:
We are committed to provide prayer, encouragement, insight, support, teaching, warning, challenge, and direction. We believe the Word of God is fully sufficient to restore personal and family life to a proper condition. We will rely upon the Scriptures for direction necessary for the counseling process.
We recognize the importance of maintaining confidentiality in order to establish trust during the counseling process. Information disclosed to us during counseling will remain strictly confidential. There are three exceptions to this:
- - it is required by law that abuse of a minor be reported.
- - if necessary, behavior injurious to you or others may be disclosed to the appropriate parties.
- - if necessary, some information may be shared with the Senior Pastor.
No information given will be used unbiblically. Biblical use of anything you share will be for your ultimate best interest.