"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly"
Proverbs 18:24
Usher Ministry Of WDEC
Mission Statement for the Usher's Ministry:
As a group of committed Christians working in the ministry of our local church, we take great pride in our ministry of service. With a warm smile and a hearty handshake we meet, greet, seat and welcome visitors, guests, family and friends into our mist
We strive to maintain an atmosphere of reverence and order before, during and following Church services. Also, to maintain a personal relationship with the Lord through obeying His Word, prayer, supplication, study, and service to win souls to Christ. And maintain brotherly love between one another While striving for the advancement of our church collectively and individually by supporting our church mission and contributing tithes and offerings regularly as well as the giving of our time and talents.
The Word of God teaches the value of making yourself available to be a 'door keeper in the house of the Lord'. This is just what the Usher Ministry does at every regular church service and every special event at Waynesboro Deliverance Evangelistic Church (WDEC).
As ushers we have a tremendous responsibility as we support the overall ministry in various ways during all of our church services. The WDEC Usher Ministry also strengthens and enhances the hospitality ministry of our congregation.
Usher Qualifications
A person desiring to join the WDEC Usher Ministry must be a member in good standing of the Church, living a holy and Christ-like lifestyle, and physically be able to stand for at least 2 hours.
Description of Responsibilities:
• Arrive early and prepare the church for service
• Maintain order in and around the church.
• Distribute fans, church literature, collection envelopes and any other information as needed.
• Support WDEC
• Support the Pastor when visiting other Churches when called upon