"Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."
Romans 15:7
"He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord - how he may please the Lord." 1 Cor 7:33 (NKJ)
Our goal and mission is to reach, teach and nurture the singles of our church and community so that each individual will come to faith, Christian maturity, and service through interaction with God, His Word, and one another.
Our fellowship, worship, Bible studies, and events are planned with your needs in mind. Your heart will be inspired, your life enriched, and your relationships strengthened, especially your relationship with the Lord.
God want to use singles just as He used Apostle Paul for His works. Being single in Christ doesn't mean that it is the end of the world. It's just the beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With the leadership and guidance of Pastors Glenn and Betty Wiggins, we will continue to exhibit a passion for singles to have a "PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE" for God.
• Participate in group Bible Study (as scheduled) (as scheduled on church calendar)
• Attend Single Adults Sunday School Class, Sunday morning 9:00 AM
• Potluck dinners quarterly on scheduled Sundays after morning worship service
• Prayer Partners for those who desire prayer partners
• Praise and worship night talent search (as scheduled)
• Movie night with popcorn and other snacks
• Singles Conference
• Prayer Vigil (as scheduled)
• Singles' Witnessing Team
• Shop and Dine Outing
• Real Talk Discussion Sessions